• 02392 293765
  • childeducation@urbond.org


Are you looking to get involved in some charity fundraising? Look no further than to URBOND, where you can really make a difference with your fundraising activities and events. From bake sales, to fun runs, to wine tastings, to raffles, to games and beyond, there’s always a good way to raise money for URBOND. And your donations really will make a world of difference, allowing us to deliver education to those who need it most.

If you are interested in leaving a gift in your will, get in touch with us and our friendly team can support you to be able to do so.

It is an act which will always be remembered. And one we will appreciate forever. Contact us today.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of our team please get in touch.

Email:childeducation@urbond.org Phone: 02392 293 765